Appraiser "Cheng Xiantao"

has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for .png

Cheng Xiantao

National Cultural Relics and Art Appraiser

Shandong Huajian Collection Public Welfare Association Appraiser ;

Shaanxi Folk Collection Appraisal Center Bronze Appraiser ;

Shaanxi Collectors Association on" Soviet Stamped Red Army Coin "Chief Appraiser ;

Shandong Red Army Coin Spring Society Edition ;

Shandong Guqian Chamber of Commerce Appraisal Center Appraiser ;

China Socialist Literature and Art Association Art Appraisal Committee Member ;

collection, appraisal resume

  has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for began to collect ancient coins, bronze; since has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for , the State Administration of Public Institutions has registered the" Cultural Relics and Art Appraiser "for the identification 。

  of ancient coins and bronze wares". Certificate number: CAMShas been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 。

Appraisal Professional :

  near tokens, mechanism coins, ancient coins, copper coins, Bronze wares and other 。

Collection, Appraisal Performance and Academic Achievements

  In Shaanxi Province, Shandong Province, the establishment of cultural relics art appraisal association. Many times led the team to carry out the association's public welfare appraisal and evaluation work 。in Shaanxi Province and Shandong Province. As the appraisal committee member of the Shaanxi Collectors Association on "Soviet Stamp Red Army Coins"。

Strategic partner of expert team

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