Taihe Heavy Treasure
has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for /2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for /has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for

There are not many varieties of coins in the Jin Dynasty, but they are all very exquisite in production. Among them, Taihe Heavy Treasure is the best among them (as shown in Figure 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ). This spring was cast in Jin Zhang Zong Yan Jing Tai and four years (has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ), the face text for the calligraphy master Dang Huai Ying hand script jade chopsticks seal, beautiful and elegant fonts, reflecting the cultural level 。

of the Jin Dynasty Jin Zhang Zong ascended the throne, the Jin Dynasty has been established for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for years, Chengping sometimes. Zhang Zong himself has high cultural attainments and writes well, which is well followed by Song Huizong's lean gold body (as shown in Figure has been engaged in antique collection for ). Therefore, during his reign, he vigorously rewarded cultural development. However, Zhang Zong himself drank and wrote poems with literati all day long, did not think about political affairs. While his cultural development, his national strength slowly began to decline. As the ancient reason 。


for the fall of the Jin Dynasty in the future, there were many imitation casts in the past dynasties. If there was a kind of Taihe heavy treasure with its back, the earth was drummed up, just like the wind, it should be Yuan Dynasty, the real Jin Dynasty Taihe heavy treasure back is more rare. There are also a lot of tired money to Taihe heavy treasure as a face. In the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, spring learning flourished, and the delicacy of Taihe heavy treasure was deeply loved by collectors. At this time, there were many old counterfeits. Taihe heavy treasure, and Yongtong Wanguo and Fuchang, are the most authentic varieties 。

of old imitation Taihe heavy treasure. The copper color is blue and white, and the strokes are not defective, at first glance, the whole looks similar, but these strokes are compared and judged by comparison. After all, the imitation text is copied and cannot grasp the subtlety of the stroke transition. Even if the text as a whole is viewed, if the authenticity is compared, the imitation text will feel bloated. In addition, the state of the wheel edge and the inner Guo is also a key point, and the imitation still cannot make the genuine product warm and moist. The proportion of cooked pits in Taihe Heavy Treasures is high. Originally, cooked pit money is not easy to imitate, but Taihe Heavy Treasures have many old faux. The paste is good but other places are not in place, which can only show that they are old imitations. (As shown in Figure has been engaged in antique collection for , Taihe Heavy Treasure Imitation )

Taihe Heavy Treasure is well-made and has deep characters. One of the most immaterial things about the Imitation is that the weight is too heavy. The real thing looks very thick, but because of the deep writing, the seal is actually very thin, weighing only has been engaged in antique collection for ~has been engaged in antique collection for grams. Imitation products have to make the same depth of text, but they cannot produce the thin seal of the real product. Therefore, the weight must be heavy, usually more than 。


    has been engaged in antique collection for grams. In recent years, due to the exquisite price of Taihe Heavy Treasure, the price has skyrocketed, rising at least ten times. Therefore, imitation products are also changing with each passing day and more than before. In the past, some high-quality fake money would have several common model signs. I don't know if I deliberately left it behind. Although there are several versions of Taihe Heavy Treasure's high imitation, which can be judged by the same model, only those versions can be identified. More importantly, if it is true, it is not true. If you want to say the real thing, the verve is a little different. To say false, some foundry features are in place. Therefore, even if forced by the high imitation of the flood, the mainland collectors have quite attainments of spring knowledge, Taihe heavy treasure this variety, is still the hardest hit area. If all spring friends are interested in buying and hiding, do not hold the mentality of picking up leaks, lest they be picked up instead of being picked up. In addition to learning from many sources to improve one's eyesight, Taihe Chongbao, which has a high proportion of imitations, should be purchased by reputable merchants to be the 。

(ones shown in Figure has been engaged in antique collection for )

泰and 重寶.jpg
(Figure 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ) Authentic products

假泰and .jpg
(Figure has been engaged in antique collection for ) Counterfeit products



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