playing horse money
has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for /2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for /has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for

 Playing horse money is a kind of spending money, and spending money is a general term for non-monetary coins in ancient China. Generally speaking, it is also called playing money (fun money) in the folk. Most of its uses are to ward off evil spirits, enjoy, commemorate, accessory, game, sex education, etc。

 . According to textual research, playing horse money is a game of throwing in the Song Dynasty in China, which evolved from Ailanus, according to the number of chess pieces, the detailed rules have been lost. At present, the only way to play is the poet Li Qingzhao's "slap on the horse" to keep 。

 the money for the horse, also known as slap on the horse, slap on the horse, slap on the horse, draw on the horse on the front, write two or four words on the back, and have the names of famous horses and famous generals in ancient times. It can also be used as a commemorative medal for these famous horses and famous generals. 。

 Ming Metabolines. "Lee Yi-an's horse-playing drama is slightly similar to holding a slug. But that pair does not strike, and this one strikes whenever it is few. If you stack up to nineteen horses, and meet twenty horses, you will be hit. If a man is in charge, he cannot ride it, and he can instead hit people alone. If you go to Hangu Pass, you cannot ride without stacking ten times. To the Dragon Academy, you can't ride without twenty. Not the original can not be taken, and the dying still have a fall, the so-called a hundred miles half has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for also. This play is more elegant than all kinds of arts, and it is also very good to have Fu Wen, but it costs a little more money to gather, and people in Jiangbei have no idea. Yu in the East County, a farmer, Hefei people, more than to give, very happy. 」 The

chessboard of

chessboard is long, with has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for checkers, each of which can hold multiple pieces. The two ends are called Chian Yi and Shang Chuan respectively, and every eight squares in the middle are called Wo 。

with has been engaged in antique collection for pieces on each side, which can be stacked in an oblate shape. Generally, there are pictures and texts. The horse is drawn on the front and the horse name is written in two or four characters on the back. The chess pieces of Chupu, Shuanglu, Hatta and North Zhou Xiang are all called horses。

. The initial arrangement of the 。




is that all the horse money is put on the Chian Yi 。

to roll the dice in each round, and then move N pieces of self-chess according to the dice towards the direction of the game. Chess stacks can be moved in groups 。

cannot be crossed or reach a place where the number of enemy chess pieces is greater than that of their own moving chess stacks. If the movement can only be reversed, 。

>each nest specifies the number of chess pieces that can be passed at one time. Unless the number of moves is greater than the specified number of moves, you cannot cross the nest。

. if you reach the place where the number of moves is less than or equal to your own moves, move the enemy moves back to the red bank post。

. if you reach the place where you have your own moves, fold the pieces on the pieces.。

, all your own moves arrive at the game first to win the 。

打馬錢has been engaged in antique collection for .jpg 
four words (qi will Tian dan) 
打馬錢has been engaged in antique collection for .jpg 
打馬錢2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for  engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for .jpg



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