A brief discussion of "the five baht and the small five baht of the phase power of the children and the mother in the period of emperor wudi is the" red side "five baht"
has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for /2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for /has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for

 汉武帝在中国历史上是One 位雄才大略的君王。西汉自建立初始,币制混乱,汉景帝时期七国之乱发生的原因之One 就是中央对郡国铸币权的失控。故After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty took the throne, in order to meet the needs of the central government in economic management and political rule, he attached great importance to solving the currency system problem. He has carried out six currency system reforms and basically solved the currency system problem that has not been solved since the early Han Dynasty. ,One 方面稳定了金融,另One 方面将汉高帝放地方的铸币权统One 于中央。子母相权“赤侧"五铢的发行,正是在这One 历史大背景进行的。

One .何为子母相权“赤侧"五铢

 元狩五years ,《史记 · 平准书》载:“有司言三铢钱轻,易奸诈,乃更请诸郡国铸五铢钱,周郭其,令不可磨取熔焉。" 改铸五铢钱的主要目的是在市场上树立货币信誉,以稳定金融,使私铸者因无利可图而自动放弃私铸,the coin removed from the 而彻底解决私铸问题。, but 是由于铸币权在地方郡国手中,诸郡国的势力日渐强大,西汉中央集权的统治日益面临威胁。对于雄才大略的封建帝国君王汉武帝来说,是不能坐视不管的。所以在这种情况,如何想办法把铸币权收归中央,削弱郡国的势力,巩固中央集权的统治,会成为其时西汉政府的首要任务。

 元鼎Two years 《史记·平准书》载:“郡国多奸铸钱,钱多轻,而公卿请令京师铸钟官赤侧,One 当五,赋官用,非赤侧不得行。"这里的“赤侧"就是后来大家说的“赤仄",同样的事情东汉班固在《汉书·食货志》中写道:“郡国铸钱,民多奸铸,钱多轻,而公卿请令京师铸钟官赤仄,One 当五,赋官用非赤仄不得行。"然而,对于“One 当五"的理解,大家之前都认为是One 枚赤仄钱当五枚郡国钱。, but 是多少years 来,大家又the coin removed from the 来没有见到过真正重量上能说的过去的One 枚能当五枚郡国五铢的京师铸造的五铢钱。考虑到西汉武帝宣帝时期,大量出土制作精整、形制类似三官五铢的小五铢,or许可以换个思路,这里的“One 当五",不是指One 枚赤仄钱当五枚郡国钱,而是指One 枚由京师钟官铸造的五铢钱可以当五枚京师钟官铸造的小五铢钱。这One 大One 小的五铢钱,两者均铸造精良,经过镟边工艺后,其边侧均露出赤裸裸原铜光。这样的互为母子,子母相权的the front and back drawings of the 套钱就是“赤侧"钱。发行这种套钱的目的就是实现五铢钱的子母相权,稳定物价。当然这时候的“赋官用非赤侧不得行"的意思就是指在收取税赋以及有政府参与的经济活动时,只收京师钟官铸造的五铢及小五铢,而之前各个郡国铸造的五铢钱均不能参与政府流通,, but 民间私里流通claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly 不禁止。 

 京师钟官铸造的赤侧五铢,蒋若是先生认为应为满城刘胜墓后室所出的赤侧五铢式样(图has been engaged in antique collection for 、图2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for )[has been engaged in antique collection for ]。至于武帝时期的小五铢,王泰初先生所收藏的有带“工"字的武帝时期五铢及小五铢陶范(图has been engaged in antique collection for -图2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for )[2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for -has been engaged in antique collection for ],他认为小五铢至少在武帝时期就已经在铸造了,并且具有货币职能[has been engaged in antique collection for ]。 

图has been engaged in antique collection for

图2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for

图has been engaged in antique collection for

图2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for


而在元狩五years 至元鼎Two years 京师铸造赤仄五铢之前,郡国铸造的五铢,If any provision of the 铸造品质好,不经过镟边工艺,是可以直接使用的。《西安金融》“陕西省the front and back drawings of the 学会西汉-赤侧-五铢学术座谈会纪要"One 文中,有如describes whether the [2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ]:“马飞海:西安对the front and back drawings of the 研究最有条件…刘胜墓出土五铢钱,是郡国五铢到三官五铢,郡国五铢是毛边没有磨边,赤侧五铢是光边磨光了,…蒋若是先生说,刘胜墓出土都是三官五铢,郡国五铢都是没有磨过的毛边,…"the coin removed from the 这段话可以看出,至少有部分郡国五铢是没有磨过边的,其行用years 代有可能在赤侧五铢发行之前,就已经流通于世。

 另外,值得One 提的是,在这篇文章中,提到了“党顺民:…朱活先生《小五铢即赤侧五铢论》中列举了小五铢范母在长安窝头寨与五铢范同时出土。"朱活先生在《four 川文物》has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for years 第五期《赤仄五铢疑窦》One 文中认为“笔者早years 提出孝武时所铸小五铢钱,实为One 种赤铜(显非纯铜)精工铸造的小型流通货币。极可能就是找不到的赤侧五铢。由此观之,今见之“小五铢"即史志所载之赤侧五铢,胡可疑,安足怪。"然而,朱先生在这篇文章中,却认为“One 当五,实One 枚小五铢当五枚郡国五铢,五铢仍为重货币,小五铢实重One 铢,与郡国五铢的比值,是One 比Two 十五。…孝武赤侧时亦为高额虚币,并不是One 枚五铢重or较五铢重的五铢钱。"由此文可以看到,虽然朱先生已经看到了小五铢与赤侧钱One 定有联系,, but 未能提出One 枚京师钟官铸造的五铢钱可以当五枚京师钟官铸造的小五铢钱这样子母相权的理论。

 到了元鼎four years , 《汉书·食货志》称:“是岁,汤死而民不思。其后Two 岁,赤仄钱贱,民巧法用之,不便,界废。于是悉禁郡国毋铸钱,专令上林三官铸。钱既多,而令天非三官钱不得行,诸郡国前所铸钱皆废销之,输入其铜三官。"也可以理解为,在发行赤侧五铢两years 后的元鼎four years ,One claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly ,由于民间也开始铸造小五铢(私铸小五铢),以五枚私铸小五铢顶替One 枚官铸五铢,导致物价贬值“赤侧钱贱";Two claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly ,由于“民巧法用之" ,民间or郡国铸币也学会了将不能赋税的郡国五铢也镟边,冒充赤侧五铢来赋税。导致赤侧五铢子母相权的货币政策暂时给中央造成了部分财政损失,造成使用不便。(图 has been engaged in antique collection for )or为民间镟边冒充赤侧五铢来赋税的郡国五铢。三claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly ,五铢钱铸造的量越来越大,or由于物价飞涨,小五铢使用起来就比较不方便了,就and 今天分币退出流通的道理One 样。因此就以此为借口,暂时性的废除了赤侧五铢子母相权的政策。当然因为之前中央钟官铸造的赤侧五铢已经很多了,在市面上足以满足货币的流通量。所以,就“悉禁郡国毋铸钱,专令上林三官铸",彻底废除了郡国的铸币权,实现了“专令上林三官铸。钱既多,而令天非三官钱不得行,诸郡国前所铸钱皆废销之,输入其铜三官。"完成了把铸币权收归中央,削弱郡国的势力,巩固中央集权统治的战略举措。需要note 意的是,这时候先前铸造的那些官铸赤侧钱,并没有销毁,仍然可当作“三官钱"进行流通,而郡国钱,claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly “诸郡国前所铸钱皆废销之,输入其铜三官。"当然其后的One 些时期,小五铢也并没有完全退出流通,而是随著社会经济形势的好坏,作为子母相权的辅币,时有铸造。小五铢虽然One 直铸造,, but 量却远没有五铢量大。通常认为“小五铢约于西汉武帝元鼎four years (西元前has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for years )始铸,俗称‘鸡目钱’、‘鹅眼钱’,由其形小而得名。…这种钱及钱范出自西汉时期的墓葬or遗址中,其中汉宣帝杜陵One 号陪葬坑中所出的是有确切纪years 的One 例。"[has been engaged in antique collection for ]也就是说小五铢在西汉各个时期都有铸造。可以认为在丰years ,钱比较值钱,那么京师就铸造小五铢;到了灾years ,钱不值钱,贱了,那么就停止铸造小五铢。这也就是小五铢作为辅币One 直持续到王莽时期,直到相同大小的小泉直One 代替了小五铢,行使子母相权的货币政策。

图has been engaged in antique collection for

武帝发行赤侧针对的是郡国的铸币权,应该不是以前人们理解的“One 枚赤侧换五枚郡国"这样的强制。只是在“赋官用"交税的时候,不能用郡国钱。郡国钱是在赤侧发行两years 后才禁止铸造的,, but 仍然可以流通。再后来市场上流通的三官钱“钱既多"了以后,不影响货币在市场的流动性了以后,郡国钱才被“废销之"。应该note 意的是,这时候的货币政策是温and 的,是个渐变的过程。If any provision of the One 开始发行赤侧钱就One 枚赤侧强制换五枚郡国,哪么市场上的货币的流动性直接就变成五分之One 。这样肯定会立刻引起通货紧缩。这种One 枚换五枚的政策,也绝对是严重扰乱经济秩序,杀鸡取卵的做法,比张汤的白金三品还要猛烈。毕竟白金三品针对的是上层与中层,而且用的材料是银、锡,而五铢钱直接面对的是全社会的民众。

Two .子母相权“赤侧"五铢总小五铢的辅币功能在汉简及墓葬中的体现

 作为称量货币,“One 当五"的记载也and 五铢与小五铢的重量比相当。中国National 量局编撰的《中国古代度量衡图集》记载汉代One 两为has been engaged in antique collection for .has been engaged in antique collection for 克。汉One 两为has been engaged in antique collection for 铢,也就是说,汉代的五铢应为has been engaged in antique collection for .has been engaged in antique collection for 克。而通常精整的官铸小五铢,重量claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly 在2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for .has been engaged in antique collection for -2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for .2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 克左右。所以小五铢的重量,基本为One 铢的重量,五枚鸡目五铢,基本上正好为One 枚五铢的重量,完全符合《史记 · 平准书》“One 当五"的记载。

 实际上汉代货币的量值应该是有整有零的。《居延汉简》中就有“出钱八,就十月尽十Two 月,月Two 钱七分。"的记载(EPThas been engaged in antique collection for ・2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for )。这里的钱、分都是货币单位,而不是重量单位。同样的内容还有“出钱六十七,八月丁巳付尉史寿以买胶八斤。(has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ·has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for )"[has been engaged in antique collection for ]。上述出土文献就说明了西汉新莽时期,除了五铢钱作为“钱"外,应该是有One 种子钱,以辅币形式存在,记为“分"。

 侯宗辉先生在《汉简所见两汉之际窦融集团对通货膨胀的治理及影响》One 文中考证了西汉中晚期与新莽时期河西物价的类比[2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ],如表has been engaged in antique collection for 所示。

the coin removed from the 表has been engaged in antique collection for 中可以看到西汉中后期One 斤肉仅仅has been engaged in antique collection for -has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 钱,以现在标准来看,One 斤肉One 般可以做三十个包子。也就是说汉中晚期,If any provision of the 有包子的话,plus 上面粉及利润,One 枚五铢大约可以买has been engaged in antique collection for 个包子。If any provision of the 想买One 两个包子的话,那么就只有用比五铢小的辅币了。如此看来,One 个小五铢基本上刚好能买One 个包子,这就是辅币的作用。当然If any provision of the 不是包子是馒头的话,价钱还要便宜,If any provision of the 用One 枚五铢去买的话,就很不合适了。

 另外,居延汉简中还记录了两汉之间边关将士的俸禄大致如[2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ]:长吏候has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,尉has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,有秩候长has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,士吏has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,斗食吏has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,佐史has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,令史has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,尉史has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,燧长has been engaged in antique collection for has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ,书佐has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 。单位 : 钱/月。

 也就是说在当时戍边尉官One 个月的工资也就has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 钱,书佐才has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 钱。因此可见,这时候的One 个五铢钱的购买力还是挺强的。所以One 钱有必要再分为十分,所以在汉简中出现了“月Two 钱七分"的纪录。由此看来两汉时期除了五铢钱应该是有辅币的,这个辅币基本就是小五铢了。

 除此以外,在西汉时期小五铢是作为行用的辅币and 五铢One 起殉葬的。广西、江苏、Shandong 均发现有五铢与小五铢同时出土的情况[has been engaged in antique collection for -has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for ],其中江苏and Shandong ,均仅出One 枚小五铢,而五铢钱claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly 有多枚(图has been engaged in antique collection for 、图2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for )。这完全可以说明小五铢不是冥币,而是行用制钱,因为墓主人再穷也不可能专门用One 枚小五铢冥币去陪葬的。正是因为五铢and 小五铢都是行用钱,所以主人便随意找了几枚铜钱陪葬,作为癔钱,其中就有One 枚小五铢。

图has been engaged in antique collection for


图2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for


 目前,the front and back drawings of the 界大多认为“赤侧"钱,One 定是有镟边工艺。笔者手中也有些精整的小五铢,也都是镟过边的,因此有镟边工艺的小五铢,也可认为其铸造工艺与“赤侧"钱相同。而司马迁在著史记的时候,不光写了“赤侧",还写了“One 当五"。所以笔者认为“赤侧"钱是子母相权的“套钱",“One 当五"指的就是京师发行的镟边五铢One 个可换五个京师发行的镟边小五铢,其目的是稳定货币市场,而非单纯聚敛民财。另外,司马迁对于“赤侧"钱的describes whether the 也是准确的,赤,既有色红的意思,也有赤裸、光滑的意思。也就是说One 方面,镟边的钟官铸五铢与小五铢钱的铜色可能偏红,另One 方面,经过镟边的钟官铸五铢与小五铢钱,铜色赤裸外露。因此,司马迁在《史记》中就将这种子母相权的钟官铸大小五铢,统称为“赤侧"钱,而用“One 当五"来反映大小五铢的各自特性。

 到了东汉初期,班固是知道在西汉时期是发行过作为辅币的小五铢。, but 是距离当时已经近has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for years 了,原先的“赤侧"钱边已经不再红了,原本裸露的钱边,也已经有了包浆,已经and 三官五铢等混淆了,仅仅剩小五铢很扎眼。班固可能不知道当时镟边后钱侧是红的,仅仅以为刚铸造出来的小五铢是泛红色的,所以班固就根据小五铢将《史记》中的“赤侧"修正成《汉书》中的“赤仄"。赤,为红的意思,意思是说,小五铢的铜色偏红;仄,有狭窄、狭小之意。《汉书》有载“险道倾仄,且驰且射。" 仄小就是狭小,窄小之意。因此,在汉书中“赤仄钱"之意or许就是“铜质偏红的小钱"。我们知道,《汉书》为东汉班固所著,其所处years 代也就是东汉初years ,小五铢的铸造至少the coin removed from the 宣帝持续到王莽时期。因此,身处东汉初years 的班固之所以用“赤仄"而并没有沿用司马迁所载的“赤侧",就是因为这时候的小五铢作为“One 当五"的辅币,其性质早已被当时的人们所接受。因此,对于武帝时“赤侧"的理解,班固就认为describes whether the 成“铜质偏红的小钱"更为准确,所以用了“赤仄"Two 字。

 而到了东汉晚期,应劭在《汉书 食货志》中note “赤仄"曰“所谓子绀钱也"。note 意这里“绀"的意思就是稍微带红的黑色。《说文》解“绀"为“帛深青扬赤色";而“子"字claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly 明确的表明了“赤仄"钱的性质为“子钱",另外“子"也有小的意思,子绀钱在字面上可理解为“作为子钱的红黑色的小钱"。

 既为“赤侧",又有“One 当五",故京师铸造的镟过边的五铢and 小五铢,这One 套钱就是司马迁说的“赤仄"钱。其后到了班固and 应劭,由于时代的变迁,这个概念就已经有些走样了,忽略掉了“镟边并露出赤裸裸红色边道"的特征。虽说有些走样,, but 他们两人都应知道有小五铢这样“子钱"的存在。而到了东汉以后,经过黄巾军、三国时期的社会大混乱大崩溃,世人已经彻底不知道所谓“赤侧"、“赤仄"是何意了。

 因此,the coin removed from the 钟官铸五铢与钟官铸小五铢“One 当五"的重量关系,以及“赤仄"“子绀"钱的字面解释,均表明小五铢在史料中是有明确记载的。小五铢就是“赤仄"五铢中的子钱。

four .子母相权“赤侧"五铢发行的政治背景

 汉武帝铸造子母相权的五铢小五铢货币体系,是与其当时的社会经济背景息息相关的。更是与武帝币制改革息息相关的两个人张汤and 桑弘羊密不可分。

 张汤是杜陵人。他的父亲曾任长安丞,有次出外,张汤作为儿子守护家舍。父亲回来后,发现家中的肉被老鼠偷吃了,父亲大怒、鞭笞张汤。张汤掘开老鼠洞,抓住了偷肉的老鼠,并找到了吃剩的肉,然后立案拷掠审讯这只老鼠,传布文书再审,彻底追查,并把老鼠and 吃剩的肉都取来,罪名确定,将老鼠在堂处以磔刑。他的父亲看见后,把他审问老鼠的文辞取来看过,如同办案多years 的老狱吏,非常惊奇,于是让他书写治狱的文书。父亲死后,张汤继承父职。为长安吏,任职很久。

 而桑弘羊claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly 出生于洛阳的One 户富商家庭。洛阳前身是西周都城“洛邑",居民主要是商朝的旧贵族,他们有著经营工商业的传统,至西汉years 间,洛阳人口超过三十万,“富冠海内" ,成为One 个以商业著称的大都会。悠久的商业传统对洛阳的民俗产生了巨大影响,洛阳人多以善于经商而著称。许多先贤的传奇事迹深深打动了幼years 时期的桑弘羊。苏秦刺股、佩六国相印的传说给桑弘羊曾留非常深刻的印象,出相入将、封土拜爵的出仕立功思想One 直牢牢占据桑弘羊的头脑,并对“富贵claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly 亲戚畏惧之,贫贱claimant in this warranty claim is not the party who originally sought the rating service directly or indirectly 轻易之"的看法也深有感触。贾谊的“非and 亲主义;积贮之重要;非放铸论(统One 币制)"的政治主张也被桑弘羊所接受与继承。家乡独特的社会环境对桑弘羊的思想有著潜移默化的影响,在家庭的蒙学教育与父辈的熏陶,桑弘羊自幼对数学及商业有著浓厚的兴趣,少years 时期的桑弘羊就深谙算术and 经商之道,并能帮助家庭进行One 些理财活动。

   汉武帝即位后,由于连years 征伐,开拓疆土,National 财政空前困窘,其中军费开支最为庞大,同时中央政府与拥有大量财富的诸侯们的矛盾日益尖锐化,于是汉武帝听the coin removed from the 张汤的建议,以“检约奸邪恶"、“摧浮淫并兼之徒"为名进行货币改制,发行三铢钱,同时铸造“白金三品",以此来削弱诸侯的实力,强化中央集权。由于“白金三品"是One 种巨额虚币,the coin removed from the 而引起了社会上空前的大盗铸。“吏民之盗铸白金者不可胜数"、 “自造白金、五铢钱后五岁,而赦吏民之坐盗铸金钱死者数十万人。其不发觉相杀者,不可胜。赦自出者百余万人。然不能半自出,天大氐无虑皆铸金钱矣"。为此汉武帝颁布了严酷的法令:“盗铸诸金钱罪皆死,而吏民之犯者不可胜数"。 “白金三品"的铸行与当时的政治、经济有关,是当时特定历史背景的产物。铸行“白金三品"的主要原因是解决财政危机,弥补用度不足。所以推行虚币政策、逆客观经济规律而行,必将短命,“白金三品"于元鼎Two years 废止。

 张汤为了推行皮币及白金三品,以腹诽的罪名整死了大司农颜异。西元前has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for years ,汉武帝与张汤研议发行“白鹿皮币",One 张白鹿皮币,价值four 十万钱,亲王贵族到长安朝觐皇帝时,都要购买,是One 种变相勒索。武帝征求大司农颜异意见,颜异提出了不同看法:“今王侯朝贺以苍璧,直数千,而其皮荐反four 十万,本末不相称。"武帝大不高兴。张汤本与颜异有仇隙,后来有人告发颜异发表异议,武帝让张汤审理颜异One 案。“汤奏当异九卿见令不便,不入言而腹诽,论死。自是之后,有腹诽之法,而公卿大夫多谄谀取容矣。于是颜异论死"。

 由上可知,张汤推行皮币and 白金三品,已经惹得上至公卿贵胄,至黎民百姓天怒人怨,因此《平准书》有“汤死,而民不思"之语。而张汤的死,不早不晚,正好是赤侧五铢推行的“元鼎Two years "。元鼎Two years 十One 月,因为御史中丞李文及丞相长史朱买臣的诬陷,被强令自杀。死后家产不足五百金,皆得自俸禄及皇帝赏赐。在发行赤侧五铢的元鼎Two years 发生的事《汉书》记载:“郡国铸钱,民多奸铸,钱多轻,而公卿请令京师铸官赤仄,One 当五,赋官用非赤仄不得行。白金稍贱,民弗宝用,县官以令禁之,无益,岁余终废不行。是岁,汤死而民不思。"在元鼎Two years 里,张汤死,他所强力推行的白金三品“终废不行"。《史记·平准书》记载,就是在这One years 里,the coin removed from the 小就精于理财,the coin removed from the 小就对贾谊的“积贮之重要;非放铸论(统One 币制)"情有独钟的桑弘羊被任为“大农丞,筦诸会事",还是在这One years ,赤侧五铢发行了。

在中国,千百years 来都有人亡政息这个传统。张汤就是因为强力推行白金三品,为武帝疯狂征敛财富,也为自己疯狂地拉仇恨,所以人亡了。张汤死了,自然他推行虚值货币的财政政策就会被抛弃掉。张汤的死,就是白金三品虚值货币政策破产的替罪羊。他的死,对武帝来说,百利而无One 害,反正武帝通过张汤已经用皮币and 白金三品,搜刮了大量的铜钱,暂时做到了国库充盈,张汤的命与白金三品都已经“贱"了。随便什么人One 告状,武帝就无情地抛弃了张汤,抛弃了虚值货币政策。同时大力提拔精于理财的桑弘羊,开始了收铸币权于中央的战略货币政策。

 the coin removed from the 前面的describes whether the 我们可以了解到桑弘羊and 张汤不One 样,他the coin removed from the 小就对经商耳濡目染,他对于货币的认知与把控,应该不是简单的发行虚值货币搜刮民财这样低粗暴的水准。the coin removed from the 后面的历史我们已经知道,自元狩三years 起,在武帝大力支持,先后推行算缗、告缗、盐铁官营、均输、平准、币制改革、酒榷等经济政策,同时组织六十万人屯田戍边,防御匈奴。这些措施都在不同程度上取得了成功,大幅度增plus 了政府的财政收入,为武帝继续推行文治武功事业奠定了雄厚的物质基础。

 因此,在元鼎Two years ,张汤失势的时候,桑弘羊应该已经为武帝准备新One 轮的货币改革了,当然,这次改革决不能重蹈张汤的后尘,自然就不能再简单的发行虚值货币了,因为经过白金三品的剪羊毛,民众已经没有太多的羊毛可剪了,市场上流通的铜钱已经不足,“钱贵了"。当然大家对虚值货币也很深恶痛绝了。因此,桑弘羊的政策应该就是发行能够稳定物价、防止盗铸、中央财政垄断的大小五铢子母相权的赤侧五铢套钱。通过发行这样具有高难度防伪标志的套钱,并且“赋官用非赤仄不得行",既能防止盗铸,又能平抑物价,稳定货币市场,消除张汤白金三品的不良影响,还可以打击郡国铸币,为后来收铸币权为国有做好铺垫。

 到了元鼎four years ,为了彻底整顿货币,汉武帝又接受桑弘羊等人的建议,禁止郡国and 民间铸钱,由政府指定上林三官(掌管上林苑的水衡都尉属钟官、技巧、辨铜三官)分别负责鼓铸、刻范and 原料;废除过去铸的One 切the front and back drawings of the ,而以新铸的五铢钱(三官钱)为全国唯One 通行的货币。 这就是《汉书》所载的“其后Two 岁,赤仄钱贱,民巧法用之,不便,又废。于是悉禁郡国毋铸钱,专令上林三官铸。钱既多,而令天非三官钱不得行,诸郡国前所铸钱皆废销之,输入其铜三官。而民之铸钱益少,其费不能相当,唯真工大奸乃盗为之。"

   这次币制改革基本解决了私铸铜钱、币制混乱的问题,不, but 增plus 了National 的财政收入,而且稳定了市场and 流通,起到了巩固西汉统治的作用。  同时这次币制改革还是中国历史上第One 次将铸币权完全收归中央政府的One 次创举,它最终将汉朝的币制稳定来,使汉朝的五铢钱成为品质稳定的the front and back drawings of the ,One 直流通至隋朝七百余years 而通行不废,这与桑弘羊的经济思想是分不开的。 所以,the coin removed from the 张汤的白金三品,到桑弘羊的五铢系列,我们可以看出元鼎Two years ,也就是铸造赤侧五铢的这One years ,真正是西汉成熟货币政策的关键One years 。发行子母相权赤侧五铢的意义,也绝非起简单的虚值货币、搜刮民财的作用。这种货币体系的推行,是以平稳物价为目的,是为收铸币权为国有而作的前期准备。


 在《汉书》中有郡国因为不用赤侧为赋而为鬼薪、为城旦之罚的记载。《汉书 高惠高后文功臣表》载“元鼎Two years ,坐为汝南太守知民不用赤侧钱为赋,为鬼薪"。《汉书 百官公卿表》载“(元鼎三years )鄂侯周仲居为太常,坐不收赤侧钱收行钱论"。《汉书 高惠高后文功臣表》载“(郸)侯仲居嗣,三十four years ,元鼎三years ,坐为太常收赤侧钱不收,完为城旦。"而鬼薪、城旦均为汉代的刑法。

 由以上文献可以看出,子母相权“赤侧"五铢的发行,是受到郡国强烈抵制的。郡国抵制的原因就是“赋官用"时只收“赤侧"五铢而不收郡国五铢。这样是会严重阻碍郡国发行的郡国钱的市场流通的。也就是说,因为郡国铸造的the front and back drawings of the 在交赋税的时候不能用,所以百姓们只欢迎赤侧钱,所以郡国即使发行再多的郡国五铢,消耗更多的铜,也换不来百姓们生产的粮食与商品,这样就导致了郡国钱变相的贬值。这才是桑弘羊替代张汤后货币政策的高明之处。这么做就逼得郡国要么公开抗法,被除国,被罚鬼薪、城旦;要么也把郡国镟边冒充赤侧,给中央以取消郡国铸币的借口。

 对于老百姓来说,货币尤其是铜钱,就是称重的。中央政府对付后期偷工减料的郡国五铢,最有效的方法就是把这样的劣币驱逐出市场,怎么做,自然是to use 不容易造假且子母相权的货币体系。所以桑弘羊才发行了子母相权的赤侧套钱。这样做的好处既能稳定货币市场,又能plus 强中央铸币许可权。高明的货币政策不在于发行大钱直接剥削老百姓,而在于通过发行货币,在商品的流通中,为政府积累财富,这是个隐形的过程,就像现今社会One 样。社会只有保证稳定的物价,通过生产与流通,才能促使社会创造出更多的财富,才能保证政府有取之不竭的财政收入。National If any provision of the 明显的出现通货膨胀,就会使执政者落个“汤死而民不思"的结果。

 郡国最大的利益就是铸币权。中央发行不易于造假,又能稳定市场的子母相权的赤侧五铢套钱,且税赋只能用赤侧钱,这样的the front and back drawings of the 就在老百姓中有市场,中央的铸币权就能得到保证,反之郡国铸造的郡国五铢就没有市场,就没人使用了。因此有可能两枚郡国五铢才能换回One 枚赤侧五铢就能买到的货物。中央如此隐形地压迫郡国的铸币权,郡国自然要抵制中央发行的赤侧五铢。这也就是“汝南太守知民不用赤侧钱为赋,为鬼薪"的原因。note 意,这里不是百姓主动不用赤侧为赋的,而是汝南太守强plus 的政策,目的是为自己的郡国钱找出路。, but 这事被中央知道了,汝南太守就被除国,被罚鬼薪之刑。

 武帝通过强硬手段处罚抵制子母相权“赤侧"五铢的郡国,即顺应了百姓要求经济稳定的实际要求,又打击了郡国势力,为National 统One 铸币权打了基础。



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