ACCA Knowledge Class: A Complete Book of Tongyuan Terminology and Jargon. It is inevitable that you will encounter some embarrassing situations when you get !
has been engaged in antique collection for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for /2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for has been engaged in antique collection for /has been engaged in antique collection for

into the collection circle for the first time. The most common thing is that you cannot understand what others are saying. Some words clearly know each one, but you don't know what you are saying when combined. I believe that this experience has happened to many people, and this phenomenon of being confused by the professional terms and jargon of the collection circle is still very distressing.。文ACCA (Asian Coin Identification Center ),就针对于铜元,整理了大部分术语and 行话及其对应含义,大家可以收藏起来,以便随时使用and 查找。




“错版“是指在铸造过程中由于技术or操作人为原因所造成的errors in the description of the coin 版式。


“私版"是指非官方铸造的铜元,通常较为粗糙and 凌乱。




“试铸币"是指造币厂为检验设备or为上级试验性铸造的流通币,One 般在万枚左右。

“后铸版"是指同One 种版别的铜元在停铸若干years 后又重新铸造的铜元。


厚片"同One 版本铜元的厚度显著超过常见品。


大片"指同One 版本铜元直径明显大于通常的铜元,多数为后期人为捶打过的铜元。

小片"指同One 版本铜元直径明显小于通常的铜元,此类铜元非常罕见。












“流通币"是指进入流通领域供人们使用的the front and back drawings of the 。



砂版"to use 旧时代翻砂工艺铸造的铜元。



叠压"由于机械故障导致同One 枚币被压铸两次以上。


缺边"币坯plus 工过程中由于失误造成边缘少肉or缺损的现象。

民国三十八years 贵州省造“黔

民国三十八years 贵州省造“黔"字半分铜元

“样币"通常制作精美,只供检验and 审核使用,不流通。

阴阳版"由于机械故障,已印花的铜元未被抱钳推出套圈,新的币坯进入,导致One 面正One 面反的现象。










边"所指the front and back drawings of the 周围的边道。

马齿"the front and back drawings of the 正背版外圈内的齿状边缘。

凹边"所指的是the front and back drawings of the 外轮中凹槽。

齿边"是指the front and back drawings of the 外轮上连续的齿状边缘。





资料术语"伍谱:伍德华【十文铜元版式】2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 开本简谱。

华谱"华光普【中国铜元目录】2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 开本简谱。

谱"广西the front and back drawings of the 学会编纂【中国十文铜元版式研究】has been engaged in antique collection for 开本。

郑谱"台湾郑仁杰【中国铜元鉴赏】2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 开本简谱。

段谱"段洪刚甲乙两种版本。甲种本【中国铜元版式研究】has been engaged in antique collection for 开本上卷全谱。乙种本【中国铜元谱】2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 002008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 2008 engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for engaged in calligraphy and painting collection, appraisal and auction work for 开本全谱普及型。



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